On 7/18/05, Robert Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Media RSS already has an effective editor who is also a good listener:
> Yahoo's David Hall. If the Media RSS folks (or some other constituency
> who've done their homework) want to use this WG as their venue, that
> would be great. If not, I would be opposed to modifying the charter.
> That seems like self-perpetuating bureaucracy.
> Another way of putting it would be that, absent new participants, I
> favor completing the autodiscovery and protocol drafts and closing the
> WG.


I suspect the accumulated WG fatigue means probably the only viable
route would be with the help of new blood. That isn't to suggest a
completely new WG might not be appropriate, I honestly don't know.

It might be that all is needed that the model described in Y!mRSS be
abstracted from the RSS 2.0 specifics, then re-expressed as Atom &
RDF. Given that Atom (and RDF) both have fairly clean extension
mechanisms, it shouldn't be necessary to cover every edge case in the
'primary' media extension, just get the core down.




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