* Mark Nottingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-18 23:30]:
> This is one of the unanswered questions that I left out of
> scope. The  consumer can examine the previous archive's URI and
> decide as to  whether it's seen it or not before, and therefore
> avoid fetching it  if it already has seen it. However, in this
> approach, it won't see  changes that are made in the archive
> (e.g., if a revision -- even a  spelling correction -- is made
> to an old entry); to do that it either  has to walk back the
> *entire* archive each time, or the feed has to  publish all
> changes -- even to old entries -- at the head of the feed.

These are the kinds of things my “hub archive feed” situation was
supposed to address. Because the links are all in one place, the
consumer only has to suck down one document in order to be
informed of all archive feeds and being able to decide which ones
he wants to re-/get.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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