* David Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-19 08:25]:
> Why does xml:base allow for relative base URIs and stacking
> then? If xml:base can only describe the actual source URI of
> the document, then these features don't make sense.

Indeed, they don’t.

> The example in the xml:base spec [1] uses a relative URI in the
> <olist xml:base="/hotpicks/"> element, after defining an
> absolute URI in <doc xml:base="http://example.org/today/";> at
> the top of the document.
> [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/#syntax

That example says: the content of the root element can be found
in the resource at <http://example.org/today/>, and the content
of the olist tag can be found in the resource at
<http://example.org/hotpicks/>. xml:base is quite apparently
being used as “a prefix for calculating relative URIs” instead of
“the source URI for the material found inside this tag.”

It makes me wonder whether the person who wrote the example was
unaware of the consequences of the same-document reference
specifications in the URI RFC. Surely, the xml:base WG must have
noticed this issue and discussed it?

> If xml:base can only describe the source URI, then one of them
> must be lying?

xml:base provides a mechanism to describe the base URI of any
part of an XML document. If you copy bits from another document
and don’t want to munge contained URI references, then you will
need to set an xml:base on the copied container element for these
copied bits.

Notice that xml:base describes **a base URI**. The xml:base TR
does not define what a base URI is. It’s RFC3986 (and originally,
RFC2396) which does, while describing just what an URI is, to
begin with. The same-document reference stanza in the URI RFCs is
clear evidence that in the spirit of the spec, “base URI” means
“the source URI of the content,” not “the prefix I wish to apply
to relative references.”

Now, xml:base appears to try to address the situation where an
aggregate document may contain fragments from many sources, and
each of which thus has its own base URI. But the devilish detail
is that RFC-specified behaviour means that if a useragent were to
find a link to <http://example.org/today/> somewhere inside the
example document except inside the olist tag, or a link to
<http://example.org/hotpicks/> inside the olist tag, it may not
retrieve that URL – instead it would have to consider the XML
document itself to be the document found at the respective URL.

This is what RFC3986 says.

The xml:base TR contains no language that would contradict, or
even enforce, or in fact at all address this point. We therefore
have to go by the behaviour specified in RFC3986 when we
determine how a user agent resolves URIs.

At first, I thought the RFC-specified same-document reference
stanza made no sense. But then I realized it is perfectly fine
and absolutely desirable for the case where the “base URI
embedded in content” applies to the entire document.

It is the xml:base TR which is at odds with this; applying
same-document reference behaviour to fragments of an aggregate
document is non-sensical. The more I think about it, the more it
seems like this interaction is Broken As Designed. xml:base
should not have adopted the “base URI” term – basically, it
appears that the very attribute name itself is a misnomer.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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