On Wednesday, July 20, 2005, at 11:44  AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:
I was actually wondering why non-stateful feeds couldn't have archives:
in the "This month's Top 10 records" feed, why couldn't I link to "Last
month's Top 10 records"?
If this kind of links are not dealt within feed-history, then I suggest
splitting the draft into two (three) parts:
  1. fh:stateful: whether a feed is stateful or not
  2. fh:prev: state reconstruction of a stateful feed
  3. (published later) fh:????: link to archives of a non-stateful feed
(no, I actually don't want such a split, I'd rather deal with the "3."
in feed-history, no matter how)

If we want to solve this "issue" using a distinct element (fh:prev if
fh:stateful=true, fh:???? if fh:stateful=false), is fh:stateful still
needed? The presence of fh:prev would be equivalent to fh:stateful=true,
the presence of fh:???? would be equivalent to fh:stateful=false, the
absence of both fh:prev and fh:???? would be equivalent to the absence
of fh:stateful, and the presence of both fh:prev and fh:???? would be an
This is off course true only if fh:prev must be accompanied by
fh:stateful=true. The question is: is it useful to have fh:stateful if
you have no link to any kind of archive?

I would think that rather than fh:stateful="true | false", it might be more useful to have (with a different element name, and perhaps different values) fh:what-kind-of-feed-is-this="sliding-window | snapshot | ???". If it's a sliding-window feed, fh:prev points to the previous sliding window. If it's a snapshot feed, then fh:prev points to the previous snapshot. fh:what-kind-of-feed-is-this might have a default value of sliding-window.

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