Sascha Carlin wrote:
> Graham said:
>>the format. I will figuratively lie down in the road if anyone
>>suggests whitespace should be allowed around any machine-read content
>>(uris, @type, @rel, etc).
> +1. Possible whitespace would add general check & removal calls to any
> processor. When you process 100 items, thats not a problem. Staring with
> 10.000 is begins tu hurt, and will blow it up when you reach 100.000 items.


1. What should I do when I see this:


2. What should I do when I see this:


100,000 times?

Again to make it clear: I am not arguing for whitespace in atom:id. I am
arguing that whitespace is inevitable in atom:id and I think in that
regard the spec is buggy, one way or another.


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