On 12 Aug 2005, at 9:16 am, Carey Evans wrote:

First, where does the spec actually say that the atom:id shouldn't
change if the blog moves to a different domain?  I think that if the
URL of the blog changes, it means that the Atom Feed Document has been
relocated so the ID should stay the same, but Simon doesn't see this
in the spec.

Section 4.2.6, paragraph 3:

  "an atom:id element pertains to all instantiations of a particular
   Atom entry or feed; revisions retain the same content in their
   atom:id elements. It is suggested that the atom:id element be
   stored along with the associated resource."

If an Atom document is a feed of the same blog, then even if the blog has moved, the id should stay the same. What makes you think otherwise?

Second, what sort of values should be used for the scheme attribute on
the category?  Looking at http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/ongoing.atom as
an authoritative example, it seems that the scheme should be the same
for all categories, but Pebble uses the URL of the individual category
page.  The spec doesn't say, so does it matter?


"The "scheme" attribute is an IRI that identifies a categorization scheme."

"categorization scheme" means the system used to categorize entries. Presumably each blog has its own system for doing so, so the scheme attribute should be the same for all posts from the same blog, and unique to the blog.


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