Roger Benningfield wrote:
> However, if I put something like:
> User-agent: PubSub
> Disallow: /
> my robots.txt and you ignore it, then you very much
> belong on the Bad List.
        I don't think so. The reason is that I believe that robots.txt has
nothing to do with any service I provide or process that we run. Thus, I
can't imagine why I would even look in the file. Remember, PubSub never does
anything that a desktop client doesn't do. We only look at feeds that have
pinged us or that someone has explicitly loaded into our system using
"add-feed." We NEVER crawl. We're not a robot and thus I can't see why we
would even look at robots.txt. Does your browser look at robots.txt before
fetching a page? Does you desktop aggregator look at it before fetching a
feed? I don't think so! But, should a crawler like Google, Yahoo! or
Technorati respect robots.txt? YES!

        bob wyman

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