There are no wildcards in /robots.txt, only path prefixes and user-agent
names. There is one special user-agent, "*", which means "all".
I can't think of any good reason to always ignore the disallows for *.

I guess it is OK to implement the parts of a spec that you want.
Just don't answer "yes" when someone asks if you honor robots.txt.

A lot of spiders allow the admin to override /robots.txt for specific
sites, or better, for specific URLs.


--On August 25, 2005 11:47:18 PM -0500 "Roger B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bob: It's one thing to ignore a wildcard rule in robots.txt. I don't
> think its a good idea, but I can at least see a valid argument for it.
> However, if I put something like:
> User-agent: PubSub
> Disallow: /
> my robots.txt and you ignore it, then you very much belong on
> the Bad List.
> --
> Roger Benningfield

Walter Underwood
Principal Software Architect, Verity

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