On 2/10/05 3:54 PM, "James M Snell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As I've been going through the effort of defining a number of Atom
> extensions, I've consistently come back to the thought that it would be
> interesting to explore the creation of a "Common Extensions Namespace"
> under which multiple standardized extensions can be grouped.  I've
> written an initial draft of the concept but before I submit it as an
> Internet Draft, I'd like to get some feedback from the group.  Please
> review the attached and let me know what you think.

Do you want to start it off as an empty container, or might it be strategic
to submit it with a number of extensions mentioned by reference. If the
latter, it would serve a bootstrapping purpose for developers new to Atom.

A bit like that page for RSS which enumerates a collection of extensions.


What about mustIgnore/mustUnderstand? An extension sharing the ACE ns can't
require mU, right?


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