Graham wrote:
On 13 Oct 2005, at 8:02 pm, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
If you want to ship a complete representation, you ship an
atom:entry, and if the resource is empty, then that atom:content
is empty.

If the atom:entry has no atom:content, then that always means
that it is a partial representation only.

Point to any text in the spec that backs this up.

"4.2.13 The "atom:summary" element is a Text construct that conveys a short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry. "

To me, that implies that there exists a resource somewhere that is a more complete representation of what is being provided in the summary. If there is no atom:content element then the entry can't possibly contain that full representation. Surely then that would make it partial representation?

In reality though I've seen feeds with atom:content elements that wouldn't be considered complete by any stretch of the imagination. I've also seen entries with no atom:content where the full text is included in the atom:summary. For an Atom processor there are really no guarantees about anything regardless of what the spec may or may not say.


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