On 14/10/2005, at 8:32 PM, James M Snell wrote:

1) Is it a closed or open set? If it's open (and I think 99% of feeds are), what does "last" mean?

My answer would be: if "last" is used, it's a closed set; if "last" is not used, it's an open set.

Can you walk me through a use case where this would be desirable? E.g. what would the subscription URI be, would any of the entries be updated, and how if so? In what scenario would having a closed set feed be useful?

Separately, you say:
The "first" may not be relevant in the Feed history case but does come into play when thinking about paged search results, sequences of linked, non-incremental feeds, etc.

How? Can you give us a bit more flesh for the use case? Again, I'm not saying it's bad, but I don't see how it's useful in a feed (as opposed to a Web page).

2) What's the relationship between these feed documents and the feed document that people subscribe to?

I think the subscription feed needs to be pinned to one end of the set (which is what FH does now). Otherwise, it becomes difficult to figure out whether you have the complete set or not by polling.

I think this will be dependent on the context in which the link rels are used. The "subscription" link rel you've suggested is a good solution to this problem. Within any of the feeds in the set, the "subscription" link rel would point to the feed that should be subscribed to -- regardless of whether the subscription feed appears at the start or end of the set.

What would the algorithm be for assuring that you have the complete state of the feed, without necessitating traversal of the entire feed every time?


Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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