Quoting Lindsley Brett-ABL001 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have raised this question a few times. The issue is separating the
> "resource" from its "representation". A single resource (e.g. a football
> game) may have many representations (audio only, slide show,
> audio/video, etc.). We would need a more sophisticated link mechanism to
> separate resources from representations.
> Is anyone else interested in this? Can this be done with an extension
> module?

I'm generally not a fan of adding attributes to atom elements rather than using
the proper extensibility constructs, but how about something like this:

    <link rel="enclosure" type="audio/mpeg" href="show.mp3"
ex:resource="tag:example.com,2005:1" />
    <link rel="enclosure" type="application/ogg" href="show.ogg"
ex:resource="tag:example.com,2005:1" />
    <link rel="enclosure" type="audio/x-speex" href="show.spx"
ex:resource="tag:example.com,2005:1" />

This would support multiple resources, and multiple representations of each
resouce in the same entry.  Implementations that didn't support the extension
would still work as before.

Clients could select the best alternative from a full table of prefered MIME
types without the impracticalities of sending a massive Accept: header as would
be required by traditional HTTP conneg.


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