I haven't used Sage, but I would anticipate that entries which have been
retrieved initially by a reader are continually checked for changes to the
updated element until the entries age to some drop off point, regardless of
the UI display conventions of them.  The problem is that there is data loss
in the reader that doesn't update entries that have actually changed, again,
regardless of how you display these changes.  Perhaps semantics is indeed
outside of the scope of a syntax discussion list, however, the updated
element syntax implies some semantic understanding.  I am not a reader
implementor, so I don't have any insight on why readers do not pick up these
changed updated elements as a cue for entry refresh.  Otherwise, please
direct me to a group that discusses these issues.  


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Stephane Bortzmeyer
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:35 AM
To: James Yenne
Cc: atom-syntax@imc.org
Subject: Re: Reader 'updated' semantics

On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 07:06:59AM -0800,  James Yenne
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote  a message of 39 lines which said:

> "RSS Bandit does not provide an indication of an "updated" entry since 
> many differ on what constitutes an update and what level of feedback 
> should be provided to the user."

Sage displays entries sorted according to <updated> but does not highlight
updated entries, only new ones (new == new <id>). I believe it is partly an
User Interface and Usability issue and therefore out of scope for the
Atom-syntax group.

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