Hi James,

* James Yenne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-01-10 16:20]:
>According to an exchange on the topic at RSSBandit's support
>site between Dare and myself, he writes: 
>"RSS Bandit does not provide an indication of an "updated" entry
>since many differ on what constitutes an update and what level
>of feedback should be provided to the user." 

The reader I use, Liferea, specifically marks entries as edited
when they change, but not as unread. I’d prefer if it also gave
indication of the number of edited entries in a feed much as it
gives for the number of unread entries, but much to my chargin,
the developers have chosen not to support any indication for
edited entries beyond marking them as such.

It’s certainly something I plan to support once I get around to
writing the aggregator I’ve been sketching out in my head.

>I'm led to believe there is some controversy here.  James'
>description is what I would expect, and seems straight-forward
>enough. Is there any thing more to this?  

I don’t think it’s controversy, so much as that most people
apparently simply don’t care whether an entry they’ve already
seen has changed. I do, but I seem to be in a minority, since few
aggregators make this easy, and noone complains, whereas,
according to the Liferea crew, there have been complaints from
people who do *not* care when edited entries *were* called out.

It’s not a spec issue so much as a usability question.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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