Thursday, April 13, 2006, 8:24:48 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

>> c. Create a new replies extension element
>>    <thr:replies href="..."
>>                 type="..."
>>                 hreflang="..."
>>                 title="..."
>>                 count="..."
>>                 when="..." />

> -0.5, it *is* a link

thr:in-reply-to is a "link" too. An extension element was used for
thr:in-reply-to, because atom:link wasn't up to the job. atom:link
isn't up to the job for "replies" either.

I think that slavishly adhering to convention, at the cost of
interoperability is unwise.

I'm bothered about this because I think requiring people to process
undefined foreign markup is harmful to Atom.

With something like an XHTML document, the only sensible way to
process it is by using XML tools. XPath, XSLT, whatever - they work

With Atom, an "Atom Feed Document" alone isn't very useful. Almost all
applications will work in terms of Atom Feeds - streams of entries,
and feed metadata. To process this, you need to think of Atom in terms
of entities: Feeds and Entries, not a set of XML Feed documents.
Implementations are based on OO classes and databases, and model
entries in terms of titles, content, links, extensions etc. The Atom
RFC is clear enough, that you can model an Atom Feed in terms of OO
classes, rather than XML documents without losing any data.

This all falls apart when people sprinkle the XML with undefined
markup that can't be represented outside the context of an XML


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