Returning from the beyond to cast a vote.

> James M Snell wrote:
> > a. Status quo. Leave things the way they are in the current draft


> > b. Drop thr:count and thr:when from the spec.


I have yet to hear personally an argument compelling to me to believe
why these elements should be eliminated. Unless they violate an existing
specification, which they don't to my knowledge, I find these incredibly
useful. Furthermore, I am pretty sure James added these at [partially]
my request, so I feel it important for me to provide the use case that
was the catalyst for this feature.

A Six Apart partner (Friendster in this case) desired a way of keeping
tabs on what posts within TypePad were getting new comments, with the
purpose of being able to email its subscribers saying - "You have a new
comment on your blog", "or your friend has a new comment on their blog."

On one hand this partner could just grab each comments feed individually
and crunch the stats they needed that way, but their IDEAL solution
involved them being able to fetch a single document that contained this
information. The alternative: fetching a feed, then fetching the comment
feed for each entry, parsing those feeds and determining a) when the
last comment was, and how many comments there are in total seemed like
overkill to me

And I have to agree. There should be no need for a client to have to
fetch and parse so much XML on its own to get such simple meta data.
Thus my desire to have these added.

What was especially interesting about our implementation was that we did
not implement comment feeds themselves. We implemented comment meta data
only. You will not find comment feeds on Friendster, but you will find
an easy way for a client to extract meaningful data about comment
activity from the system. It was a light weight solution with minimal
impacts for us and Friendster alike.


> > c. Create a new replies extension element


Given that we have an implementation in the wild I tend to say, "no, I
like it as-is." But I have no grounds to hold up progress on this draft
because of Six Apart's preference. But 1.5 million blogs using the
replies link relation ain't insignificant. :)

> > d. Create a supplemental extension element


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