What are we going to do with the Security Considerations?  We had two
paces on the table. Robert withdrew his. I made some edits to mine.  At
this point, my Pace is the only one still on the table.

- James

Paul Hoffman wrote:
> With the publication of draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-10.txt, we are ready
> for WG Last Call. This is a two-week period where people look intently
> at the document and comment on it.  New Paces are still allowed, and are
> encouraged if you are proposing anything more than a few sentences worth
> of change. 
> At the end of the Last Call, we grind out one last revision, and the WG
> passes it on to our fearless AD to take it to the IETF as a whole.
> The WG Last Call will close September 26.
> Please remember to make your subject lines meaningful when you start
> threads, and when you change the topic. Thanks!

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