The Atom Syntax group is discussing a bidi proposal (see end). I am
not sure how much chance it has of getting through, and I don't
understand the issues that well yet ( I have a few other things to do
right now ), but I thought I should point out how I think it could
impact AtomOwl.
In a recent thread in this group entitled "Making Content into
Literals in AtomOWL", I was arguing for using literals more in the
AtomOwl ontology.
Ie. I am suggesting that we convert
<title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
[] a :Entry;
:title "Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok"^^:text ;
Literals in rdf don't have space for a bidi encoding. There is space
for language encoding
such as "hello"@en^^:text but none for bidi.
I suppose this is not really a problem as one could always encode
this in unicode when needed or for xml
fragments add it to a <div> in the content.
If it really were a problem, then that may constitute an argument for
using a content object.
[] :title [ a :Content;
:text "Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok";
:bidi :rtl; ] .
Begin forwarded message:
From: James M Snell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 3 October 2006 16:33:07 GMT+02:00
To: James Holderness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Atom and bidi
Doh! I actually meant [RLE] here and not [RLO]. Either way, yes, I
there is a difference. The point I was trying to make is the same made
in HTML4-8.2:
Although Unicode specifies special characters that deal with text
direction, HTML offers higher-level markup constructs that do the
same thing: the dir attribute (do not confuse with the DIR
and the BDO element. Thus, to express a Hebrew quotation, it is
intuitive to write
<Q lang="he" dir="rtl">...a Hebrew quotation...</Q>
than the equivalent with Unicode references:
‫״...a Hebrew quotation...״‬
- James
James Holderness wrote:
James M Snell wrote:
just to be clear, I'm saying the following would be equivalent
[RLO] and [PDF] represent the corresponding bidi controls)
<content type="text" dir="rtl">ABCDEFG</content>
<content type="text">[RLO]ABCDEFG[PDF]</content>
You should be aware that there is a significant difference between
override, RTL embedding and the RTL direction attribute in HTML.