I also noticed the split that Lisa mentions when reviewing the draft.

I agree that they're not always separate, but it should be pointed out that they can be separate. I didn't see any mechanism to discover what the URI of the "normal" feed is, beyond a link/@rel=alternate in the collection feed; did I miss something?

If that's the way to do it, it would be good to call it out (it might be preferable to have a separate link relation, as the semantic isn't just "alternate", but "public", etc.). It might also be good to have something that allows distinguishing between the two (without forcing it) in the service document.


On 2006/10/17, at 4:40 PM, James M Snell wrote:

My assumption:  The separation between "subscription feeds" and
"collection feeds" is not always clear. There are at least two deployed
implementations I am aware of that use the same feeds for both and I'm
currently working on a third.  In Google's new Blogger Beta, for
instance, the subscription feed is also the collection feed.

I believe that any assumption that the subscription and collections
feeds will always be different is incorrect and dangerous.

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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