On 18 Oct 2006, at 01:40, James M Snell wrote:

The spec says "The value of atom:updated is only changed when the change
to a member resource is considered significant. "  The use of passive
voice obscures who does what here.  When the client doesn't suggest a
value for "atom:updated", does the server provide one, and if so, how
does the server know what is "significant"? I thought it would always be the client suggesting values, but Tim says that the server controls
atom:updated which could imply that the client doesn't even need to
suggest values. See above about whether the server MUST accept certain values for "updated", or more likely, MUST NOT accept suggested values
for "updated" when they're clearly wrong (e.g. this entry was last
updated on October 16, 1906).

My assumption: Tim is correct. The server controls atom:updated. While
the client is required to provide a valid atom:updated element, the
server can (and in most cases will) ignore that value.

Completely disagree.
If the server controls atom:updated then what was the point of the whole discussion of app:edited? the client controls app:edited. It is the client who decides what if there was a significant change.
The server controls app:edited. Any edit, changes app:edited.

If you have it your way, then atom:updated will end up meaning app:edited, which Tim Bray specifically mentioned he did not want in his wiki example.


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