OK. I'm adding this text just after the list of feed types in the introduction;

The semantics of a feed that combines these types is undefined by this specification.

WRT what future specs can or can't do, that's pretty much up to them.


On 2006/10/12, at 2:42 AM, Andreas Sewe wrote:

Mark Nottingham wrote:
Andreas Sewe wrote:
But it would be desirable, IMHO, to be able to link to archived, older versions of a complete feed from within the current complete feed document.

Say, a feed document contains this month's Top Ten. Wouldn't it be nice if the feed document could link to September's Top Ten, in case anybody is interested in all the recent Top Ten lists? And linking to archived feed documents is precisely what "prev- archive" and "next-archive" are for. So why can't I use them in conjunction with complete feeds?
I think you're trying to reconstruct a different dimension; archived feeds, when reconstructed, contain only entries that are currently considered members of the feed; what you want to do is to have snapshots of the feed's members over time, separate from what the current members are.

Right. The point is that for non-complete feeds members are only ever added (never removed) as time goes by. Hence you can reconstruct a previous revision of an Archived Feed simply by following the "prev-archive" links far enough into the past; so there is, for non-complete Archived Feeds, no real need for another link relation to cover this dimension:

This might work as a "prev-version" link relation...

Now there are already "previous" and "prev-archive"; do we really need "prev-version" to cover the case of Complete Feeds? At least for non-complete Archived Feeds it is not really needed, which gives me the gut feeling that "prev-version" might not be needed for Complete Feeds either. (Unfortunately, I cannot come up with a satisfactory definition for "prev-archive" that would work for both cases, complete and non-complete. But that does not mean there is none...)

(For the moment, the "related" link relation with an explanatory @title will do.)

I am aware, now, that this is not what the current draft says, since the three types of feed (complete, paged, and archived feed) can't be combined in *any* way, even though the draft's introduction claims that "[t]hese types are complementary". But at least some of the additional expressiveness offered by the combination of complete with either paged or archive feeds would be nice to have -- even though it adds some minor complexities.
My gut feeling is that while there might be some use cases for this sort of thing, it's going beyond the 80/20 point, and adding a lot of complexity/abstraction. When I said that they were complementary, I meant that together, they cover most feeds in common use today, not that they can be used together.

I see. Maybe it would be a good idea to spell this out explicitly in the spec, even if the "Completeness is defined as having all of the entries in one physical document" condition implies it. That way you can be sure that everyone, me included, gets the semantics right. (FWIW, nothing prevents stable logical feeds from being both Archived and Paged Feeds, right? Only unstable feeds can just be Paged, not Archived.)

I do want to address the combination issue, however. I'm inclined to just state that the semantics of feeds that have more than one type is undefined by this spec. Does that work for you?

It does. It would be worthwhile, however, to state that a future revision of your spec might choose to define behavior for these cases. (None of the features I have proposed would contradict the current semantics of Complete, Paged, and Archived Feeds.)


Andreas Sewe

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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