On 12/12/06 5:56 AM, "Kyle Marvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> application/atom+xml; type=entry
>> application/atom+xml; type=feed

> I believe other UA-visible Atom document syntax qualifiers will be
> needed/coming downstream.  For example. ones describing the expected extension
> model(s) of the target Atom document.  Feed vs. entry is just one syntax
> variant of an Atom document, others of UA interest might be "this is an Atom
> document containing OpenSearch results" or "this is an Atom Document that
> describes media using Media RSS extensions".

I'm not so sure. I see the difference between the two being "one" vs "many",
and nothing more. What you want could however be accommodated by additional

> I'm not sure that treating each syntax variant as a unique MIME type is a
> scalable approach for the long haul.  One specific issue is that you will also
> have to deal with combinations (ex "this Atom document is a feed that contains
> OpenSearch results listing Media RSS entries").

    application/atom+xml; type=feed,option=OpenSearch,option=MediaRSS

(or syntax to that effect)


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