I've always interpreted a kind of inheritance relationship between
MIME types.

It's never wrong to label an Excel file, an XML document, or an Atom
Feed as application/octet-stream, because all of those types ARE
octet-streams.  It is just not as helpful as it could be.

Likewise, it is never wrong to label an Atom Feed, as application/xml.
It just isn't being optimally helpful.

I think that you have to interpret MIME types this way, otherwise a
generic XML processing application which labelled content as
application/xml would be standards compliant until the day that the
Atom RFC was published when it would become un-compliant overnight
without anyone touching the code. I don't think that that is the way
that standards are supposed to work.

So likewise, I see no harm in inventing application/atomentry+xml.
Sure, applications can still use application/atom+xml for entries,
they just aren't being as helpful as ones that use the more explicit
MIME type.


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