On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 03:35:13PM -0400, catfish wrote:
>  > **ERROR: [mpeg2enc] mpeg2enc is currently broken.  If you really want
>  > to use it delete this line and recompile
>  >> I got the same error this evening. I downgraded to the older version
>  >> from atrpms, and it seems to work again.
>  >>
>  >> mjpegtools-1.9.1-14_cvs20061009.el4.at.i386.rpm
> The preceding is from the mythtv-user mailing list but thought my 
> question would be more relevant on this list.
> I'm unable to download this package using Yum, likely due to my limited 
> know-how on yum/linux. I currently have 1.9.1-14_cvs20070421.fc6 
> installed which has a broken mpeg2enc app. I've attempted several yum 
> statements to downgrade it (these rpms are listed on the atrpms website):
> yum install mjpegtools-1.9.1-14_cvs20061009.fc6.at
>     Nothing to do
> yum update mjpegtools-1.9.1-14_cvs20061009.fc6.at
>     No Packages marked for Update/Obsoletion
> yum remove mjpegtools
>     (thought perhaps to remove new then install old)
>     This wants to uninstall some mythtve stuff, thought would isn't good
> I'm hunted around on google without much luck. I guess I could have 
> downloaded the rpm and "rpm -i" the package manually but I would like to 
> know if there is a better, direct way with yum.

yum cannot downgrade by design. Use either apt/smart or some helpers
like yumdownloader (I hope that was the name and I'm not making it up).

But more interesting would be to find the cause of the bug and fix the
package. Could you bugzilla this please? Thanks!
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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