On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Phill Edwards <philledwa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm running CentOS 5.2 and my guess is that package dependency for
> 0.22 is going to be painful with things like VDPAU and new versions of
> QT etc.Has anyone here done an upgrade to 0.22 on a CentOS 5 machine?
> I'm considering ditching CentOS and going back to Fedora
> merry-go-round as it's just too hard to get packages for CentOS.

I'll let others address your MythTV 0.22 question since I've not upgraded
yet. :)

Why are you running CentOS?  If it's for a longer lifetime and stability,
you're running the proper distro.  If it's for access to the
latest-and-greatest packages, Fedora would be proper.  I run CentOS on my
MythTV server and it's been great.  I've never lacked packages.  If Axel
doesn't have what I need, I might install one or two RPMs from rpmforge.

Why do you say it's too hard to get packages for CentOS?

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