----- Message from briandl...@gmail.com ---------
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Phill Edwards <philledwa...@gmail.com>wrote:

I'm running CentOS 5.2 and my guess is that package dependency for
0.22 is going to be painful with things like VDPAU and new versions of
QT etc.Has anyone here done an upgrade to 0.22 on a CentOS 5 machine?
I'm considering ditching CentOS and going back to Fedora
merry-go-round as it's just too hard to get packages for CentOS.

I'll let others address your MythTV 0.22 question since I've not upgraded
yet. :)

Why are you running CentOS?  If it's for a longer lifetime and stability,
you're running the proper distro.  If it's for access to the
latest-and-greatest packages, Fedora would be proper.  I run CentOS on my
MythTV server and it's been great.  I've never lacked packages.  If Axel
doesn't have what I need, I might install one or two RPMs from rpmforge.

Why do you say it's too hard to get packages for CentOS?


----- End message from briandl...@gmail.com -----

I'm running Centos 5.4 on a bunch of machines used for MythTV (4 machines which consist of 3 frontends and 3 backends). I was originally drawn to CentOS for some non-mythtv machines for exactly the reason mentioned above -- long term support. I got tired of getting EOL'ed on fedora releases so quickly.

However, with the release of MythTV 0.22 and hulu desktop for linux, it's become clear that CentOS 5 is a bit too far behind (read that: stable :) on a number of key packages (python, libc, glib etc) to make it viable going forward as a distro for MythTV.

So it's not that there's a problem getting packages for CentOS, there is a problem being so many versions behind in some key packages...

All that said, I'm keeping CentOS for my non-myth machines as I am very happy with the distro (with added packages from the fantastic ATRPMS and to a lesser extent fedora epel).

I'm switching all my myth machines to Fedora 12 + ATRPMS when it is released... with some sadness ;)

I've been running 0.22 on Centos 5 since RC1. Seems mostly good. Some of the stuff I ran into:

* watch qt4-* (from centos) vs qt44-* (from atrpms) -- you want ONLY the qt44-* from atrpms. Here's what I have on a typical machine:

qt.i386 1:3.3.6-23.el5 (centos)
qt-MySQL.i386 1:3.3.6-23.el5 (centos)
qt3.noarch 3.3.3-2 (centos)
qt3-MySQL.noarch 3.3.3-2 (centos)
qt44.i386 4.4.3-10_4.el5 (atrpms)
qt44-mysql.i386 4.4.3-10_4.el5 (atrpms)
qt44-x11.i386 4.4.3-10_4.el5 (atrpms)

* Make sure to stop all of your frontends and backends (and disable init.d scripts if applicable). Do a manual myth db backup. Do your yum upgrades. Run mythtvsetup on one backend at a time - watch log files to confirm db updates succeeded. Start one frontend and watch the db upgrades...

* Realize that you can't run jamu.py and all the other fancy new metadata scrapers, and that you can't run hulu desktop for linux, and miro, and... ponder a fedora 12 install :)

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