On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Phill Edwards <philledwa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I know I have to upgrade QT before I can ugrade from MythTV 0.21 to
> 0.22, but I have some questions first so I don't stuff the whole
> system up.
> I have the following packages:
> qt-3.3.6-23.el5                        Vendor Centos
> qt3-3.3.3-2                             Vendor ATrpms.net
> qt-MySQL-3.3.6-23.el5            Vendor Centos
> qt3-MySQL-3.3.3-2                 Vendor ATrpms.net
> avahi-qt3-0.6.16-1.el5_2.1        Vendor Centos
> 1) I seem to have similar QT packages from different repos. Is this
> normal or have I stuffed something up?
> 2) Is the normal thing to first update the QT packages and then do a
> yum update to upgrade to MythTV 0.22? What if for some reason the 0.22
> upgrade doesn't work - will 0.21 continue to work with Qt4 installed?
This is qt3. Rhel 5 also has qt4 packages:


What you are going to install is qt44 from Atrpms, because mythtv 0.22 needs
qt4. I am using qt4-4.5.2, I compiled myself. Axel, has qt44-4.4.3.

He named his packages qt44 for not replacing the packages from rhel5.
Anyway, as long as you have qt4 4.4.3 or greater installed, you are fine.

Your qt3 packages are not going to be removed, because they are a different
set of packages.

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
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