
On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 08:20:26AM +1100, Paul wrote:
> hi,
>     could I request some of the MythTV
> scripts(/usr/share/doc/mythtv-docs-0.22/contrib/) be marked as
> executable for future releases please.
> or are these controlled from the MythTV SVN?
> eg
> /usr/share/doc/mythtv-docs-0.22/contrib/maintenance/optimize_mythdb.pl
> or
> chmod +x /usr/share/doc/mythtv-docs-0.22/contrib/maintenance/*.pl
> As I call them directly and after an upgrade the script is marked as
> just read only.

Anything under doc is for documentation purposes only and not for
direct execution. If you want to use optimize_mythdb.pl either call it

perl /path/to/perl/script

or copy over to another path and mark it as executable.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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