Mark Goldberg <> says:
> I tried building from mythtv-0.22-226_bijou20100125.src.rpm
> and the following patches would not apply:
> mythtv-0.22-ostreaming.patch

This is part of the stock ATrpms SRPM.

> patch-7641.cpp
> patch-7892.cpp
> patch-r23231.cpp
> It seems to build OK with those patches commented out of the spec
> file.

I added these patches. As Axel noted, though, if there were something
wrong with the SRPM his automated system wouldn't have built binaries.

> It seems that the patches JYA has named 44_audioencoder.dpatch are
> the same stuff (or close to the same) as
> patch-6975-mythtv-r22249.cpp and patch-6975-mythplugins-r22249.cpp
> as you get reversed patch complaints if you try to apply both sets.

Yes. I have not yet built a SRPM with 44_audioencoder.dpatch, however.

Yeechang Lee <> | San Francisco CA US

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