> > I was wondering if you could give an overview of the above bugs so I
> > don't have to look up each bug individually.
> The brief descriptions I gave should be sufficient for most purposes;
> if a user wants more details on, say, the auto user-job scaling
> feature, he should indeed consult the referenced patch note and/or ask
> here. The miscellaneous bugs I listed at the end are just that,
> miscellaneous.

Sorry for being dense since I don't follow mythtv-dev.  I was not asking for
bug summaries, but which bugs were rejected by devs and which were just
destined for 0.23 or later.  I looked some of them up and found out the
audio upmixing improvements were rejected by dev, for example, but some of
the other bugs are going to be part of 0.23.

Thanks for packaging these bugs into a release.

After looking more closely at the bugs and wondering why some of them were
not backported to 0.22-fixes (i.e. the VDPAU screensaver issue), it sounds
like the accelerated release schedule of every 4 months almost makes
0.22-fixes obsolete.   I was out-of-pocket for about 4 weeks, so I must have
missed some good discussions, but when two line patches are not backported
to 0.22-fixes, what's the point of that branch?

Just wondering, not attacking.  :-)

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