Following the mythtv wiki distribution specific guide to install myth on
it is recommended to use CentOSPlus to support v4l and DVB. This I have

Now when I go to the Fedora page in the wiki (as instructed at the end
of the CentOS page) and get to the nVidia section, I run into a problem.

When I do a 

yum install nvidia-graphics

yum pulls down the non centosplus kernel and tries to install the nvidia
stuff (kmod etc) based on the regular kernel. This errors with a message
that the installed kernel (from centosplus) is newer than the kernel
being installed with nvidia (non-centosplus) and dies.

I also tried 

yum install nvidia-graphics --enablerepo=centosplus

to no avail.

I then tried (obviously not knowing what to do and throwing darts over
my shoulder at this point)

yum install nvidia-graphics --enablerepo=centosplus --exclude=kernel

and yum doesn't like that either.

In the past I installed the nvidia kmods for centosplus manually and
then the support nvidia rpms with yum in sequence. This worked, but was
kind of tedious.

SO,is there any easier way (ie single yum command or repo config file
change) that would tell yum to leave the non centosplus kmods out of the
picture and load only the centosplus kmods? Something like

yum install nvidia-graphics-$KVER

Where $KVER is setup as per the Fedora distribution guide with the
kernel version including centosplus? (BTW, this did not work either ;)


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