On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 08:44:31PM +0100, Tom G. Christensen wrote:
> On 03/11/2012 04:28 PM, Axel Thimm wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 08:32:35AM -0500, Ed Hurst wrote:
> >>Recent updates won't go through because of conflicts over libvpx:
> >>
> >>------------
> >>Error: Package: libavcodec53-0.10-54.el6.i686 (atrpms)
> >>            Requires: libvpx.so.1
> >>------------
> >>
> >>When I tried to build libvpx from SRPMs, I got an even worse cascade
> >>of broken dependencies, MPlayer among them. Should I just wait until
> >>those are changed to keep pace?
> >
> >libvpx.so.1 is in atrpms-testing. It replaces a package from the
> >vendor, so it is not allowed to go into stable.
> >
> >You can temporarily enable the testing repo and try updating again.
> That won't help since mplayer is currently built with libvpx.so.0
> making the upgrade impossible.
> Also EL6 ships with gstreamer-plugins-bad-free which is also linked
> against libvpx.so.0 so even if mplayer is rebuilt there will be a
> conflict still.
> Would it be possible to package libvpx.so.1 as libvpx1?

Yes, that would make sense - I actually already packaged the old bits
as libvpx0, so the issue should be resolved. Packaging the new bits as
libvpx1 actually requires you to package the old ones in a similar
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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