
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 05:01:00PM -0300, Paulo Cavalcanti wrote:
> Do we really need to upgrade libvpx on rhel6?

This is a valid question - the answer is actually that we already had
to upgrade libvpx a long time ago on EL6 to allow mplayer (and/or
ffmpeg? It's been a while, almost a year, I had to go 0.9.6 on
2011-03-14, so I'm not 100% sure what was breaking) to build. It
wouldn't build with what EL6 was shipping.

But that upgrade did not bump the soname. So you could cheat by using
the old vendor package - although it would probably break once you
would really start using the lib.

The difference is that now you really need to make the upgrade to
libvpx - no cheating/crashes are allowed ;)

> The only difference in these new ffmpeg packages is that they were linked
> against libvpx 1.0.
> libvpx 1.0 was necessary in recent Fedora flavors, but rhel6 can stay with
> the old version, I guess.

The old version was 0.9.6/0.9.7. :)
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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