On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Matt Lewandowsky <m...@greenviolet.net>wrote:

> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 09:48:17 -0400 From: george.g...@gmail.com
> > Are these instructions for a particular architecture?  I'm on Fedora
> > 16 and Fedora 15 at home and these issues were resolved weeks ago.  If
> > you are only talking about CentOS 6, please make that clear so others
> > aren't confused.
> To be honest, I have not run Fedora on any of my own systems, ever, so I
> can't say anything beyond what is in the first sentence of my link:
> "Recently, there has been some gnashing of teeth around the Internet
> regarding the latest ATrpms build of ffmpeg for RHEL and its clones
> (including Scientific Linux and CentOS)."
> Perhaps I should have been clearer in my post to this list, but it's not
> entirely clear from the various threads who's affected by this at the
> moment. It's almost certain that RHEL (and kin) is and will be for quite
> some time, however. Fedora, by its nature, is far more adaptive.
> I apologize for any confusion.

Fedora is already shipping the appropriate libvpx (1.0). Since Atrpms
rebuilt all
the packages linked against it, Fedora is no longer an issue.

Rhel6, on the other hand, is still shipping livvpx 0.9.0,
which is inadequate for the current version of most multimedia libraries.

My only point here is why livbvpx 1.0, libxcb 1.7, and others need to be
hidden in David Jones' locker?
Most packages will not build or install without them. Therefore, unless
one is "savvy" in ATrpms secrets, the repo may be unusable.

I understand that the Fedora patrol people enjoy beating on packagers
that replace their beloved core packages. However, Rhel without several
improvements is completely pointless from a desktop point of view (as a
it is as good as anyone could wish for).

Anyway, I think we need to find a better way to distribute Atrpms packages,
or at least, clearly state what is on testing and what is an absolute
necessary core replacement
package. Maybe some big red letters somewhere is enough ...

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
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