On Fri, 16 Mar 2012, Matt Lewandowsky wrote:

Personally, my opinion is that using any long-term support Linux distro for end-user purposes is an exercise in futility...

Just for the record, I'm one who pursues that futility, adamantly running CentOS 6 on my production purposed laptop. It will stay until the hardware fails or I simply can't use it for my primary work of writing.

Further, I heartily recommend this sort of thing to anyone who isn't a typical Linux user. That is, everyone I help migrate from some other OS is unlikely to ever appreciate what your stated opinion takes for granted. I'm willing to bet you'd be surprised how many folks insist on using long life distros on the desktop simply because they have long-term support.

Even with the current difficulty, I think it's still quite manageable and I'm still a big fan of ATrmps, and I very much appreciate the offered tutorial.

Ed Hurst
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