Thanks Brian.  I guess the only unanswered question then is does anyone
know Axel's current status?  Is he on vacation or is he otherwise engaged
(new / different job, etc.)?  If it's the latter then we can probably
expect little to no updates for a while.  Again, not a complaint.  I know
Axel does this in his spare / "free" time and has always done a wonderful
job keeping things up to date.  I just can't remember an unannounced "dead
period" like this since I've been using the repo.

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Brian Long <> wrote:

> John,
> Unfortunately ATrpms RPM builds are a one-man show.  When Axel is
> otherwise engaged, things come to a halt.  Other users provide SRPM
> updates, etc, but when Axel is busy, no RPM updates will take place.
> To my knowledge, we've gotten nowhere with the shared build server idea
> that was floated a while ago.  It requires a lot of initial setup and since
> Axel is strapped for time, I doubt it will happen any time soon.
> /Brian/
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 2:57 PM, John Welch <> wrote:
>> Not trying to push the panic button or anything, but just wondering if
>> anyone might have any insight as to what's going on with the ATrpms repo.
>>  Here are just some of the "issues" I've noticed lately:  no F16 updates
>> since the end of May, including no kmdl packages for the latest F16 kernel;
>> no MythTV 0.25 packages for F17; no packages for ClamAV 0.97.5, which was
>> released as a security update; no packages for the latest NVidia drivers
>> (295.59), which were released a few weeks ago.
>> I think there was mention of trying to get more people involved in
>> maintaining the repo, so maybe there is some type of transition going on.
>>  Or maybe Axel is enjoying a well deserved vacation / holiday.  This email
>> isn't meant as a complaint in any way, shape, or form.  I've had great luck
>> with the repo and excellent support on this list from both Axel and others
>> for several years now, and hope to continue using it.  If this is a
>> short-term situation I'll just shut my mouth and bide my time until the
>> updates come along.  But if it's more of a long-term situation I will be
>> forced to weigh other options.
>> Any info would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> John
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