On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 4:41 PM, John Welch <jrw3...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Brian.  I guess the only unanswered question then is does anyone
> know Axel's current status?  Is he on vacation or is he otherwise engaged
> (new / different job, etc.)?  If it's the latter then we can probably
> expect little to no updates for a while.  Again, not a complaint.  I know
> Axel does this in his spare / "free" time and has always done a wonderful
> job keeping things up to date.  I just can't remember an unannounced "dead
> period" like this since I've been using the repo.

Axel lives in Greece, which is passing for some deep economic problems...

I have the new kernels for rhel6, if anyone is interested ...

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
atrpms-users mailing list

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