Hello Stephen,
I had a look at mariadb-server to see where we can get mysql-server from
. Here the picture is very messy . In fc20 mariadb-server, as delivered
does in fact provide mysql-server , however in el7 that is not the case
. The RHEL source of mariadb-server for Centos/Scientific 7 re-branding
does not have the mysql-server there . So we have a few possibilities
all of them a pain , because build process of mythtv for Fedora will be
different from that of Centos . For Centos we will need to have
mariadb-galera-server , unless we re-package/re-compile the fedora srpm
of mariadb-server for Centos . If that is the case you will then need to
host this modified version for Centos users . Other possibility for
Centos users is to tie in the mariadb-galera project repo as a
dependency for mythtv , and have it pull from there .
Best Regards
On 04/11/14 15:14, Stephen Collier wrote:
On 3/11/2014 8:53 PM, mo.ucina wrote:
Digging a bit more , I found this link :
which states :
I recently added the "galera" and "mariadb-galera" packages to Fedora
and had epel6 and epel7 branches created. These need to be remove and
the packages should be purged from the epel repos, if possible. The
problem is that mariadb-galera-server provides "mysql-server", which
is technically correct, but so do other packages in base RHEL. .....
and since EPEL has a policy of not conflicting with RHEL packages, we
probably want to keep mariadb-galera-* out of EPEL.
So I had a quick look for other packages to see if another provides
root@htpc /home/mythtv # yum whatprovides mysql-server
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.optus.net
* elrepo: mirror.web24.net.au
* epel: mirror.web24.net.au
* extras: centos.mirror.crucial.com.au
* updates: centos.mirror.crucial.com.au
1:mariadb-galera-server-5.5.37-2.el7.x86_64 : The MariaDB server and
related files
Repo : installed
Matched from:
Provides : mysql-server = 1:5.5.37-2.el7
And the only one I could find was mariadb-galera-server .
On 03/11/14 20:26, mo.ucina wrote:
Hello Guys,
A bit more on this saga , I decided to upgrade to latest mythtv
mythtv-0.27.4-4.el7.centos.x86_64 and again had incompatibility as
per last email . This time I decided to remove mariadb-galera-server
by force . This worked and I was able to update mythtv , which as a
dependency installed mariadb-server . After I rebooted the machine
trouble started , mythbackend was dead because mysqld did not start
. I tried to start mysqld also tried starting mariadb but none of
them would . So in the end I removed mariadb-server with --nodeps ,
and force installed mariadb-galera-server . After that I was able to
start up mysqld and mythbackend . So I have ended up with these rpms :
root@htpc /home/mythtv # rpm -qa "mariadb*"
Does anyone know where mariadb-galera-server came from , and why we
use it , also what is mariadb-server and how come we need it now ?
My guess is that my next myth update will fail as well , so I need
to get out of this vicious circle .
Best Regards
On 26/10/14 13:38, mo.ucina wrote:
Hello Stephen,
Just noticed that a new rev of 27.4 has been compiled . When I
tried to install/upgrade ended up with a circular dependency :
---> Package mariadb-server.x86_64 1:5.5.37-1.el7_0 will be installed
--> Processing Conflict:
1:mariadb-galera-server-5.5.37-2.el7.x86_64 conflicts mariadb-server
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: mariadb-galera-server conflicts with
root@htpc /home/mythtv # yum remove mariadb-galera-server
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
mariadb-galera-server x86_64 1:5.5.37-2.el7
@epel 56 M
Removing for dependencies:
mythtv x86_64 0.27.4-2.el7.centos @myth 0.0
Transaction Summary
Remove 1 Package (+1 Dependent package)
So the mariadb-server for package:
mythtv-0.27.4-3.el7.centos.x86_64 , is needed for mythtv , but it
is not compatible with mariadb-galera-server which is also a
dependency for mythtv .
Best Regards
I hope I've fixed it for the next release I've added
pkgconfig(mariadb-server) as a requirement and hopefully pkgconfig can
sort it out. The choices were mysql-server, mysql-compat-server or
mariadb-server. It now looks like mariadb-galera-server is gone from
epel so the problem should be solved.
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