On 5/17/2015 6:24 PM, Kirk Bocek wrote:

On 5/17/2015 6:11 PM, Kirk Bocek wrote:

Argh, so close!

$service mythbackend start
Starting mythbackend: /usr/bin/mythbackend: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libmyth-0.27.so.0: undefined symbol: _ZNK12QRadioButton15minimumSizeHintEv

In an urgent attempt to get mythbackend running I "rpm -e --nodeps" the installed mythtv-libs and tried installing the four other versions you have on your server. All give the symbol lookup error when trying to execute mythbackend.

I collapsed in a sobbing heap back to 0.24.3. Let me know if there is a work-around.


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