>> I use it with `emacs -Q ...` when I want to try and isolate a problem.
> Thanks for the hint.  My approach to that for package `foo' until now
> was:
> (progn
>   (package-initialize t)
>   (package-activate 'foo))

That works as well, indeed.  There are many ways to skin this cat.  🙂
[ In my case, most packages are installed in a non-standard directory,
  so I'd first have to set `package-user-dir`, and also I find it
  less convenient to use `--eval` than `-l`.  ]

> By ugly I meant (load "loaddefs.el").

Ah, OK.  Not sure why you find it ugly, but there's no accounting
for taste.

>   • Get auctex-autoloads.el instead of loaddefs.el, and

I think this is just a matter of changing the file name
in GNUmakefile's `autoloads` target.

>   • Put the addition to `load-path' in that file, so the forms above
>     turn into (load "~/Repos/el/auctex/auctex-autoloads" nil t t) as
>     well?

I think the patch below does that.

diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index b5cec4822e..fbf653ab09 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 #   latex: prtightpage.def
 #   latex: prtracingall.def
-EMACS=emacs --batch -q -no-site-file -no-init-file -l lpath.el
+EMACS=$(EMACSBIN) --batch -q -no-site-file -no-init-file -l lpath.el
@@ -44,7 +45,11 @@ all: $(ALL_GENERATED_FILES) compile autoloads
 compile: $(patsubst %.el,%.elc,$(wildcard *.el style/*.el))
-	$(EMACS) -f loaddefs-generate-batch loaddefs.el .
+	$(EMACS) --eval 				    \
+          "(loaddefs-generate \".\" \"auctex-autoloads.el\" \
+            nil \"(add-to-list 'load-path 	  	    \
+                               (directory-file-name         \
+                                (file-name-directory load-file-name)))\")"
 %.elc: %.el
 	$(EMACS) -f batch-byte-compile $<
@@ -74,18 +79,16 @@ README: doc/intro.texi doc/preview-readme.texi doc/macros.texi
 # Commands copied&adapted from autogen.sh and doc/Makefile.in.
 IGNORED:=$(shell rm -f ChangeLog && ./build-aux/gitlog-to-auctexlog && cat ChangeLog.1 >> ChangeLog)
 # Committer date of HEAD.
-AUCTEXDATE:=$(shell git log -n1 --pretty=tformat:"%ci" \
-	| sed -nre 's/ /_/p' | sed -nre 's/ .*//p')
+AUCTEXDATE:=$(shell (git log -n1 --pretty=tformat:"%ci" 2>/dev/null \
+                     || date +"%Y-%m-%d %T") 		       	    \
+                    | sed -re 's/ /_/' -e 's/ .*//')
 # Extract the version number from the diff line "+;; Version: 14.0.4" of
 # the commit HEAD which is only filled when we did a release in the last
 # commit.
-THISVERSION:=$(shell git show HEAD -- auctex.el \
+THISVERSION:=$(shell git show HEAD -- auctex.el 2>/dev/null \
 	| sed -nre 's/[+];; Version: ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)/\1/p')
-# Extract the last version number from the previous change to auctex.el,
-# i.e., only look at commits starting at HEAD~1.
-LASTVERSION:=$(shell git log HEAD~1 -p --first-parent -- auctex.el \
-	| grep "+;; Version: " \
-	| sed -nre 's/[+];; Version: ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)/\1/p;q')
+# Extract the last released version number from `auctex.el`.
+LASTVERSION:=$(shell sed -nre '/Version:/{s/;; Version: ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)/\1/p;q}' auctex.el)
 tex-site.el: tex-site.el.in

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