Hi Tassilo,

Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org> writes:

> I've created a "main" branch (split off externals/auctex) and adjusted
> it such that it should be buildable on elpa and the mere act of changing
> the Version number in auctex.el in a commit would trigger a new ELPA
> release.  And every other commit would at least trigger a new release on
> ELPA-devel.

Many thanks for working on this (and to Stefan as well).

> So basically, we should decide now if we switch to going ELPA-only in
> which case we'd not use master anymore but develop directly in main.
> (I'd be in favour of it, obviously.)
> We could also keep master as our development branch and still use the
> new "main" branch (which I would probably rename to "elpa" in that case)
> for elpa and turn on auto-sync.  It would be a bit less automatic: we'd
> need to keep merging from master to the "main" / "elpa" regularly and
> increment the Version manually for releases.  But it's still better than
> the status quo (less committed generated files; better Version
> determination).

I was thinking about this too and my vote is to go with option 2 (i.e.,
not your favorite ;-).  I think it would make sense to have a sort of
"staging area" where we can install code which might break or have other
problems.  Syncing it directly to ELPA-DEVEL and letting people install
it might end in too much trouble for the brave users.  Merging into
"branch-name-tbd" shouldn't be a big deal then, I can do it, if we need
a volunteer.  And yes, it will be much better than what we have right

Reg. dropping tarball-release and for me to recap: We, or more precisely
Mosè doesn't make any releases and distro-packagers should pick up the
files from the ELPA release and work with that?

Maybe this is a topic for another thread.

Best, Arash

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