>>> "IK" == Ikumi Keita <ik...@ikumi.que.jp> writes:

> Hi all,
> On the main branch, tex-site.elc isn't generated at the first "make"
> after "make clean" because expansion of $(wildcard *.el style/*.el) in
> GNUmakefile doesn't include tex-site.el which doesn't exist yet when we
> issue the "make".

I love to check this.

> Does it make sense to apply the attached patch for the reproducibility?
> (It includes addition to lpath.el to suppress spurious generation of
> lpath.elc as well.)

Difficult to say, because there is no attached patch 😉
> Regards,
> Ikumi Keita
> #StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine
> #Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW

I strongly condemn Hamas heinous despicable pogroms/atrocities on Israel
I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine. 

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