Denis Bitouzé <> writes:

> Le samedi 01/12/12 à 19h35,
> Tassilo Horn <> a écrit :
>> But I can update the AUCTeX files on the ELPA branch tomorrow and ask
>> on emacs-devel so that someone updates the package.
> It would be very kind, thanks!

It turned out not to be that easy.  The auctex package in the elpa
branch uses a different directory layout which seems to make some manual
adaptions needed here and there.  I hope this patch

is correct, but I haven't tested it so far.

How can I use my local emacs/elpa branch as package-archive?

I've tried

  (setq package-archives '(("GNU Local" . "~/Repos/elpa/packages/")))

but that errors when doing M-x package-list-packages because it wants to
access /home/test/Repos/elpa/packages/archive-contents which doesn't
exist.  It seems to be generated by "make site", but that fails for me


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