Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org> writes:

>>> Yes, a nightly cron job.  So you probably want to either fix it
>>> quickly, or revert the changes temporarily, work on a separate
>>> branch and merge the result when it's stable.
> I'll revert them.  Hm, what's the right bzr command for doing so?
> Naively, I'd do something like
>   $ bzr diff -r313..311 > backout.patch
>   $ bzr diff -r315..314 >> backout.patch
>   $ patch -p0 <backout.patch
>   $ bzr (add|rm) ...
>   $ bzr commit
> but I guess there's something better, right?

Ok, done using

  $ bzr revert -r311 packages/auctex
  $ bzr commit


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