Le 29/04/2015 22:19, Munawar Cheema a écrit :
It's not the first time I've heared people having such issues.  I think,
I've also read that on SX from some Mac guy.  Unfortunately, I cannot
reproduce that.

I use AUCTex on a macbookpro from 2011 and it loads extremely fast so no
issues on a MAC.


Well, I am also on a Mac (under 10.9.5) and since last fall
when I upgraded AUCTeX to 11.88 (*) I got used to a systematic
wait of about 5 seconds when first opening a .tex file
in an Emacs buffer.

(*) I don't even know the earlier version number, I had
been years without upgrading AUCTeX

..at least that was my constant experience until today !

indeed, when I saw this thread I was going to say I also
experienced the lag, and wanted to test it again,
but it has miraculously disappeared ! right now, today !

(or rather it is now something like 1.5 seconds rather than 5)

I moved to Emacs Mac Port emacs-24.5-mac-5.7 on April 12
(emacs v24.5.3)
and to AUCTeX 11.8.4 on April 17, but I had not noticed
anything had changed, however I am not reliable on this.
I was preoccupied by other things.

I did some clean-up of my texmf-local tree yesterday
and the day before (TeXLive)
but I don't see how that could relate to AUCTeX behavior.


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