Le 29/04/2015 23:16, jfbu a écrit :
uite certainly completely unrelated: I am currently
with the pretest of TL2015, and the kpsewhich library
benefits (only on Mac OS X) from a 5 fold speed increase
compared to TL2014.

I don't think AUCTeX does anything like
kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFHOME
during loading. But if it did, that could explain how
slow things on my system could have gotten 5 times faster.

I am pretty sure however this is irrelevant, except if
Munawar also has (pre) TeXLive2015


I reverted to TeXLive 2014 using the TeX Distributions Panel
and bingo, again I have a 5 seconds wait when I open a .tex
file in an emacs buffer

(typically I am in dired and I select foo.tex with the point
and do Return)

I now go back to TeXLive 2015 (pretest) and YES, only about
1 second of waiting.

thus there IS a link on Mac OS X.

The issue identified by Adam Maxwell had to do (mainly)
with unnecessary scans of the file system due to not taking into
account it is case independent

From mail exchanges:

It looks like it's building the hash twice for each ls-R
database, even though only one of them exists (since HFS
is a case-insensitive, but case-preserving filesystem).
In other words, both "/foo/ls-r" and "/foo/ls-R" are
the same file, when you use the default Mac OS filesystem.

What is the situation on Windows 8 with respect to case ?



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