2016-09-02 14:16 GMT+02:00 Tobias Berndt <tobias.ber...@baramundi.de>:
> ... I could use the "context "compilation (instead of mkii "texexec") already 
> before via a hack:
> (add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook (lambda()
> (add-to-list 'TeX-command-list '("ConTeXt MKIV" "context %t" TeX-run-TeX
> nil (context-mode) ))
> (setq TeX-command-default "ConTeXt MKIV")
> (setq TeX-save-query  nil )
> ))

I wouldn't say this is a hack, it's just the right thing to do in
order to add another command (apart from the fact I suggest you to put
in a `with-eval-after-load' instead of using a hook that is run every
time you open a new ConTeXt file) :-)  The variable
`ConTeXt-Mark-version' enables you to easily switch between the two
Mark versions without further work on the user's side.

> If you guys need more input to improve ConTeXt MkIV support in AucTeX---just 
> ask (but since I have been working with ConTeXt just one year, I'm just a 
> little more than a newbi. Hackers you'll find at contextgarden). Since I am a 
> writer not a hacker, I cannot contribute any code, sorry!

Speaking for myself, I don't know what to ask!  I don't know what are
the needs of ConTeXt users editing their code with AUCTeX.  My very
broad question would be: what do ConTeXt users want in AUCTeX?  Even
if I got good answers, I don't thing I'd be able to develop those
features.  What we need are good developers that have an idea of what
to do, and users to suggest more features.  Both categories are warmly
welcome, but the first is more needed.

Just out of curiosity, what are the other common ConTeXt editors?


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