Hi David,

Thank you providing example. It works just fine for me as did for Joost.
Currently I cannot find clue yet.

>>>>> David Denton <dwsden...@gmail.com> writes:
> All of my packages were previously installed by (M)ELPA when I was
> using straight Emacs. I still had this problem at that time.

I see. Al, your recent work on `TeX-output-dir' doesn't seem to have
something to do with this issue. Thanks for your interest.

> On 2021-04-06 10:44 a.m., Joost Kremers wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 06 2021, David Denton wrote:
>>> Yes, it was from the buffer of an included .tex file.
>> Then for some reason, your local variable block isn't read when you open the
>> file, because both variables should have buffer-local values.
>> What is the value of the variables `enable-local-variables`,
> t
>> `local-enable-local-variables`,
> t
>> `inhibit-local-variables-regexps`

> ("\\.tar\\'" "\\.t[bg]z\\'" "\\.arc\\'" "\\.zip\\'" "\\.lzh\\'"
> "\\.lha\\'" "\\.zoo\\'" "\\.[jew]ar\\'" "\\.xpi\\'" "\\.rar\\'" 
> "\\.7z\\'" "\\.sx[dmicw]\\'" "\\.odt\\'" "\\.diff\\'" "\\.patch\\'"
> "\\.tiff?\\'" "\\.gif\\'" "\\.png\\'" "\\.jpe?g\\'")

>> and
>> `before-hack-local-variables-hook`?
> nil
>> What is the value of `TeX-master` and `file-local-variables-alist` after you 
>> do
>> `M-: (hack-local-variables 'no-mode) RET`?

> Not sure about this. I did M-: (hack-local-variables 'no-mode) RET and
> got (match required)

Hmm. I suspect that elisp function `hack-local-variables' is broken on
your machine for some reason. Does that work when you open non-tex files
with Local Variables section? For example, save the following file
somewhere and re-open it, and examine the value of `fill-column' in that
buffer. Does that value turn out to be 60, the local value?
---- abc.txt ---------------------------------------------------------
dummy text

;; Local Variables:
;; fill-column: 60
;; End:

> If it would help, I could try to disable the version of Auctex in Doom
> and try another locally compiled package but would need instructions
> on this.

If you really want to install AUCTeX manually, follow the instruction at
. The procedure described there requires administration priviledge. If
that is inconvinient for you, then refer to

Ikumi Keita

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