Hello Ikumi,

Thanks so much for checking this out.  I wasn't imagining that you would have to install Doom-Emacs. /Please note that I had this problem before installing Doom./ In fact, that is one reason I did install Doom, because I was wondering if there were possible conflicts between the customize parameters and the Elisp parameters in my config file, and I was hope that the Doom configuration would help sort this out.

In order to use Doom-Emacs with Auctex you have to uncomment "latex" in the init.el file in the .doom.d folder. Then, you must run "doom sync" in a terminal. It will install Auctex properly. There are several options that you can use in the init.el file. Mine looks like this:


Sorry to have caused this much trouble for you. However, if you have not already uninstalled Doom, you could try this. As you are using Emacs 27.2 your packages may not be the same as mine. With Emacs 26.3 Doom currently loads Auctex 13.0.5. If Doom installs Auctex 13.0.5 for you, you may be able to test whether this version is what is causing the problem.

My problem does not appear to be with Doom as exactly the same issue existed for me before I installed it.

Again, thank you so much for engaging in this, and sorry to be taking up your time.


On 2021-04-07 7:43 a.m., Ikumi Keita wrote:
I installed and tried doom emacs, with emacs 27.2. It seems that AUCTeX
isn't enabled.
0. First I installed AUCTeX from ELPA. (Current version is 13.0.6)
1. When I launch a new doom emacs session and open chap1.tex of your MWE,
    emacs says "Ignoring unsafe file local variable: TeX-master" in echo
    erea. In fact, `TeX-master' is void as variable.
2. The item 1 suggests that tex.el, the core file of AUCTeX, isn't
    loaded since tex.el declares that three symbols t, nil, shared and
    any string are safe for the local value of `TeX-master'. As I
    suspected, (featurep 'tex) returns nil in the buffer, so tex.el isn't
3. The appearance of mode line doesn't seem AUCTeX-like, either. I
    suspect that emacs built-in latex-mode, not AUCTeX LaTeX-mode, is

 From the above observations, I suspect that doom emacs ignores and isn't
compatible with AUCTeX. (I'm not sure why you have a value of t for
`TeX-master' despite that you do (setq-default TeX-master "master"), and
why you can use C-c _ to add Local Variables section.)

I suppose that it would help, at least partially, to quit using doom
emacs. However, you wrote

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