Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Okay, this might be a stupid question, but these games that do get harder as you advance usually lead to an eventual boss fight, that should allow you to beat the game; ending it thereby. It's different in the case of swamp, where there's no real ending, so wouldn't making it harder kind of kill it slowly? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the game at all, but I'm just asking a question that I've been wondering about for some time.
Anyway, getting onto what I actually want to post about, I'd like to know how anyone managed to download swamp 2.9B? I try, but Firefox tells me something like "0 percent, unknown time remaining", then it downloads at a rather slow speed before finally stopping. I also tried with the "down them all" download manager, but without much success.
If anyone can help out here or provide an alternate link to download it, I'll really appreciate it. I'm not sure if some one did this before, or where such a link might be, since this topic have so many posts that it's obviously pretty hard to read everyone.
Thanks in advance!


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